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Urinary Incontinence

By: Dr. James D. Fontaine

Incontinence is defined as leaking urine that interferes with your hygiene or social life. This can occur with daily activities such as coughing, running, jumping, and playing with your children. This is a common problem that affects 1 in 20 women over the age of 20 whether it is stress incontinence associated with activity or urge incontinence where you have to urinate immediately. It is more common after pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

Your doctor or friends may have suggested that you try some common remedies such as Kegel exercises, limiting water intake or going to the bathroom every hour on a regular basis. These can work in some cases. Medications are often prescribed as well. The medications are anticholinergics and can have side effects including dry mouth, drowsiness, and constipation and are often not well tolerated. Bioidentical hormones can be quite helpful post menopause.

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