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How Are Bioidentical Hormones Administered?

By: Dr. James D. Fontaine


man holding woman in field

Hormonal imbalances can lead to unwanted symptoms like male and female sexual dysfunction, chronic fatigue, mood swings, and disrupted sleep. For those near San Diego, CA, Dr. James D. Fontaine offers an innovative solution through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

So, what is bioidentical hormone replacement, and how is it administered? BHRT can be delivered through creams, patches, pellet therapy, injections, or pills. If you want to know how to balance hormones naturally, call Fontaine MD Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Medicine to book an appointment. We're here to guide you through the process.

What is bioidentical hormone replacement?

Hormones are small chemical messengers that regulate various bodily functions like metabolism, mood, and reproduction. Made in the endocrine glands, hormones get circulated through your body via the bloodstream and interact with specific cells or organs to trigger a response. But as we age and enter life stages like menopause, hormone production starts to decline.

So, what is bioidentical hormone replacement? BHRT uses plant-derived hormones that are structurally identical to the ones made by our bodies. The goal of BHRT is to address imbalances in hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that decline as we age.

Key benefits of BHRT:

  • More energy and mental clarity
  • Improved mood and emotional well-being
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improves male and female sexual dysfunction

How we administer bioidentical hormones

One of the reasons BHRT is so versatile is that the hormones can be administered in a variety of forms. Here are the most common methods offered by our team in San Diego, CA:

  • Creams: Topical creams are absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin. They can be used daily and are often prescribed for those who prefer noninvasive, self-administered solutions.
  • Patches: Hormone patches are worn on the skin and release a consistent dose of hormones into the body throughout the day. Patches are particularly useful for those who may have difficulty remembering to apply a cream daily.
  • Pellet therapy: This method involves placing tiny hormone pellets under the skin, usually in the upper buttocks. These pellets release hormones into the body gradually over several months.
  • Injections: Hormone injections are usually done by a medical professional. During a BHRT consultation, a healthcare provider can determine the correct dosage and administer the injections accordingly.
  • Pills: Oral hormone pills are another convenient and commonly used method of BHRT. They are taken daily and can be an effective option for those who prefer traditional medication.

Is BHRT safe?

So, is BHRT safe in all these forms? If you want to know how to balance hormones naturally, bioidentical hormones are considered safe when prescribed and monitored by a qualified professional. Because they are identical to the ones produced in our bodies, BHRT can integrate seamlessly into your system. This reduces the risk of adverse side effects often associated with synthetic hormone therapies.

Discover how to balance hormones naturally

Is BHRT safe, and what type of hormone replacement therapy is right for you? One of the best ways to find out is by consulting with a specialist in San Diego, CA. Fontaine MD Aesthetics and Anti-Aging Medicine offers custom BHRT plans tailored to your goals. Dr. James D. Fontaine has extensive experience in hormone replacement therapy and can guide you through the process. Manage male or female sexual dysfunction, improve overall well-being, and regain vitality with BHRT. Contact us today.

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